Kaptein Sabeltann

Captain Sabertooth

Project Run and Play - final week: Signature Look. This is not what I intended to make for this week, but something that had to be made now. The look planned was pirate related too, but rather different. It will come. But back to this one. It definitely bears my signature: I love recycling, redesigning, reinventing and playing with all those details.
Carnival costumes tend to be used one day and never again, but this one has been in almost constant use since I finished it. He just loves being a pirate and a proper "pirate armour" has long been on his wish list.

Karneval. Storebror ville være pirat - og da tenkte han på Kaptain Sabeltann. 
Carnival - and a pirate costume was wished for. The most famous Norwegian pirate Captain Sabertooth...

Jakken er en gammel herreskjorte. Jeg klipte den opp langs sømmene og gjorde skuldrene litt smalere, sydde inn på sidene og under armene og forkortet armene og litt av lengden.
Kantet med gullskåbånd. På innsiden av armene brukte jeg gullfarget satengbånd som var kant på et ullteppe en gang i tiden - den datt av teppet og teppet var uansett finere uten. Noen ganger er det godt å ha tatt vare på absolutt alt... Gullkrokolisser på lommene. Gulltråd under skulderklaffene.

The jacket was a men's shirt, cut up along the seams and made smaller to fit a 3 year old (still room to grow). Gold bias tape with a decorative seam along the edges. Gold thread underneath the shoulder patches. The cuffs used to be on a wool blanket's edge, but fell off - and the blanket was nicer without them. Sometimes it pays off that I keep everything in case I might make use of it at some point...

Buksa er en leggins som havnet i kofferten vår en gang på vei tilbake fra ferie. Vi har aldri klart å oppspore eieren og her i huset passet den ingen, ikke var den spesielt fin heller (men man tar jo vare på alt) og nå ble den sydd inn, klipt av og pyntet med gull. Skråbandet er sydd på og tredd i strikk under.

The trousers were women's (?) leggins that had ended up in our suitcase after a holiday. We never found their owner. They fit no one in this house and were not particularly nice either, but were kept for the reason mentioned above... might use it... so here I did. Made them narrower, cut them shorter and put on some gold and an elastic band underneath the bias tape.

Hatten er laget av polarfleece med applikasjon i en jerseyrest og selvfølgelig litt gull. Den er inspirert av Simple Simon's Felt Pirate Hat.
The hat is made from polar fleece. The pattern was inspired by Simple Simon's Felt Pirate Hat.


Barten er laget av polarfleece. Sydd sammen fra vrangen, snudd, stikning langs kanten, klipt to hull og tredd gjennom strikk. Han syntes barten var morsom, men liker ikke å ha den på lenge. Og "De fleste Kaptein Sabeltanner har ikke bart!"
The mustache is also made from polar fleece. Sewn together with right sides facing leaving a hole to turn, stitched close to the edge, cut two holes in the back and pulled through an elastic bang. Quick, easy, fun. The little pirate likes the mustache, but not for too long at a time.

Så fikk han også en øyelapp, men det er det visst heller egentlig ikke så mange pirater som bruker. Men stor stas å ha av og til. Den er også laget av polarfleece, på samme måten som barten, bare at strikken er sydd fast mellom for-og bakstykke.
He also got a fleece eye patch. Apparently something not too many pirates use, but sometimes it's fun.
Made like the mustache, just that the elastic is sewn in between front and back piece.


  1. How fun! I love the pirate theme! I'm eagerly awaiting the Nonita pants pattern from Farbenmix. They've been dubbed the "pirate pants". :D I Love the mustache too!

    1. I like the Nonita pants too! (but don't have the pattern)
      The look I was going to make this week was based on another Farbenmix pattern, Xater, with lots of piraty fabrics and appliques... but it will have to wait for another couple of weeks...

  2. I love it. How fun. No wonder you can hardly get him to wear anything else! It looks fancy but at the same time really comfortable. Great job. I'm sure my toddler will want a pirate outfit someday, and this would be a great place to turn.

  3. Kjempetøff !!

    Jeg har sydd en lignede til mine gutter når de var små :-)
    ( også elsker jeg gjennbruk - Redesign )


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